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Your Orthodontic Treatment

At Smile Team Orthodontics, a typical treatment programme includes the following:

Orthodontic examination and records

At your first visit, a complete orthodontic examination is carried out. If treatment is recommended, we will take a set of orthodontic records which includes plaster models of your teeth, x-rays of your head and teeth, and photographs. During the course of treatment, additional x-rays may be needed to monitor your treatment progress. When your appliances are removed, x-rays are required to check the health of the supporting tissues.

Treatment plan

Based on our findings from our examination of your teeth and a study of your orthodontic records, we will prepare a treatment plan for you. An appointment will be made to discuss this plan, during which you can ask us any questions about treatment or financial arrangements you may have.

Dental check-ups

If you would like to proceed with our recommended treatment plan, you must have a complete examination by your family dentist. It may be that we have recommended some dental treatment prior to starting orthodontics, such as extractions for example. If so, this work must be carried out. While you are having orthodontic treatment, it is important you continue to attend your regular check-ups with your family dentist.

Orthodontic adjustments

Once your appliance has been fitted, you will be seen at 4, 6 or 8 weekly intervals for adjustments and to check progress.

Post-treatment care

When your appliance has been removed you will be reviewed at 3-to-6 monthly intervals for 2 years.


Generally, excellent orthodontic treatment results can be obtained with co-operative and informed patient and parents. Successful treatment is a “team effort” - the patient, the parents, the orthodontist and clinic staff all work together.

To achieve the most successful result with the least amount of time and cost, we ask you do the following:

1. Keep regularly scheduled appointments

2. Practice good oral hygiene

3. Wear elastics as instructed

4. Wear retainers as instructed

5. Inform the office immediately of any loose or broken appliances

6. Maintain a proper diet

A lack of co-operation in any of these areas could require a change in treatment procedures and objectives and hamper the treatment process.

In extreme circumstances, it could be necessary to discontinue orthodontic treatment. It is important to bear in mind that an incomplete result due to premature termination of treatment may leave you worse off than the original malocclusion and could result in future problems that may involve teeth, gums or severe orthodontic relapse of tooth positions. Therefore, the more ideal the treatment result that can be achieved, the less likely are those prospects.

Please remember, co-operation in following your orthodontist’s directions and recommendations are your responsibility. We will do our best to encourage you, but it is not possible for us to assume responsibility for seeing to it that you follows directions.